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Internships in NYC

September 7th, 2012 · Comments Off on Internships in NYC

In a city like ours there should be no shortage of intern opportunities and, as it turns out, there are quite a number to be had. Whether you’re looking for internships in fashion, technology or in financial services NY is the place to be. Unfortunately, landing an internship doesn’t guarantee that you’ll actually be able to do it since being n New York means that you are living in the most expensive city in the US.  As a result you need to land a position that will allow you to accrue much need experience while earning a least a minimum wage.

If you’re serious about finding the right internship you will probably want to start by contacting the appropriate department at your school. For hunter students you can find them here:

What’s more, they offer a great PDF guide that you can download and print out here:

Other resources:

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